Upside Down House, by Alex Chinneck
Delightfully topsy-turvy. What else can I say…? Find it at 20 Blackfriars Rd, London. It’s not easy to miss!
Categories: Architecture, Art, Design
Delightfully topsy-turvy. What else can I say…? Find it at 20 Blackfriars Rd, London. It’s not easy to miss!
Categories: Architecture, Art, Design
‘Endless Stair‘ by dRMM - this year’s landmark installation for the London Design Festival. Caught here under construction. Very Escher. Very beautiful. Hope it holds up under this terrible weather!
Categories: Art, Design, Festival, London Design Festival • Tags: #LDF2013, architecture, design, festival
Categories: Architecture, London Landmark, Photography • Tags: architecture, design
The perfect pewter penguin! Cast out of cuttlefish at Arup’s best Penguin Pool event yet. Material scientist Mark and his team at the pioneering Institute of Making thoroughly entertained us all with their tales of materials, now and in the future. Imagine a time when structures will heal themselves? Bridges won’t crack, power stations won’t […]
Categories: Design, Engineering, Event
Large erection of light spits out delight…! Or so we were promised. The Shard fired lasers from some of its 95 stories at eleven of London’s best known landmarks including St Paul’s Catherdral, Canary Wharf, the Houses of Parliament and the Tower of London. The thing is, nobody could see them! What a letdown.
Categories: Architecture, Event, London Landmark • Tags: architecture
Over the Bass Strait, lies Australia’s answer to the Tate Modern. Only darker, dirtier and joyously more disconcerting. A unique museum experience, its owner the multi-millionaire and local man David Walsh has decided to share his private collection of art for all to see.
Categories: Architecture, Art, Design, Writing • Tags: architecture
As always, there is a cornucopia of talks, events, exhibitions, trade shows and parties spread across town – more conservative in the west and a little more daring in the east. This year, 100%design feels much more like a trade show than the healthy mix of established and emerging, as has been customary in recent years.
Categories: Design, Festival, London Design Festival, Writing
This year’s nine-day London Design Festival programme is made up of over 280 events and exhibitions – the largest and most significant yet. Showcasing the city’s pivotal role in global design, there are events across design disciplines, from East to West. There is a real buzz in the air this year, with London Fashion Week, […]
Categories: Design, Engineering, Festival, London Design Festival, Writing